Author: BCLCadmin

September 2024

On October 1, Salt Lake City will shut down the main canal for the season. Once water stops running through our system, BCLC will begin on repairs before snow starts flying. These repairs mostly consists of minor concrete repairs that do not sit in private backyards. The fall season is a great time to take […]

July 2024

BCLC has been working with Salt Lake City, Millcreek, and numerous developers on some issues in our area. Some of you have seen little to no water in your ditches on and off throughout the month as these issues are remedied. District 2, in particular, has been affected by development along Highland Drive. Thank you […]

June 2024

After a fairly wet May, that brought lots of construction disruptions in several BCLC districts, we finally have water running consistently. As a reminder, you may not always have water in your ditch! There are just over 200 members of BCLC and if someone is pulling water up-line from you, your water may be low […]

April 2024

Water has been moved into the main canal by Salt Lake City Corp. We will let the sediment run past and settle out before opening the gates to the BCLC Districts. In order to open the BCLC lines, it is important for each member to clear the debris (leaves, sticks, trash) from the lines and […]

August 2023

**Aug 31 Update** District 7’s main canal gate broke and is now awaiting repair by the Office of Public Utility. District 7 will be without water until this gate is fixed. August has brought with it some low water times as you’ve probably noticed in your ditches. Luckily, we’ve also gotten some heavy rains! When […]

July 2023

As the summer heat pushes higher, our water sources get slimmer. The canal ran pretty low for a couple of weeks in July, which is why you may have seen little to no water in your canal lines. We have been able to balance this out somewhat, but there are still other issues that have […]

June 2023

Hello BCLC water users. This year’s canal season has been going very well! We have been able to fix some fairly major pipe issues and continue to do so as issues arise. The good news is that because so many of you have already paid your 2023 assessment fees, we are able to pay to […]

Water is Coming…2023

Some of you may be seeing water in your ditch this week! Most Districts are performing FLUSH-OUTS to clear debris and assess for issues in the line. A flush out will only last a couple of hours before being turned back off. Once any issues are addresses, we will be able to keep water running. […]

May 4, 2023

There is water flowing in the Main Canal, but there is a lot of “crud” flowing north. We are waiting to open our gates until the debris moves past our lines. We expect to start testing lines next week. This involves opening gates for a short amount of time to allow water to flow through […]