Hello BCLC water users. This year’s canal season has been going very well! We have been able to fix some fairly major pipe issues and continue to do so as issues arise. The good news is that because so many of you have already paid your 2023 assessment fees, we are able to pay to get these issues fixed quickly so that you all continue to receive water to your properties. If you still need to pay your 2023 assessment, please refer to this page on our website. The current pipe maintenance is happening on 1100 E. If your property sits on the Sierra-Cutler Line (District 3), you are not currently receiving water due to this maintenance, but water should be able to flow within the next week. Thanks for your help in keeping your water lines free from debris and water flowing to properties down line from you! If you have any issues to report, please email, call or text your district lead. Lead contacts can be found here.